Thursday, August 26, 2010

Welcome to the Wrtg 150H-096 Blog

The writer E. M. Forster once wrote: "How do I know what I think until I see what I say?" Writing instructors believe that writing can help us clarify our thoughts even though the initial writing may be weak or muddled or not very profound. Somehow the process of writing distills and captures thoughts. It isn't so for people who lived in an oral tradition: once they've uttered a word, it's gone except in the memory of the hearers and speakers. But, one skill that people who live in oral communities had was a good memory. In our chirographic or printed word world, we don't need to have as good a memory because we can go back and reread people's thoughts over and over again. So this blog is to help you "see what you say" and perhaps clarify your ideas or inspirations.