Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Deep Thoughts!

A couple of days ago I woke up, and had nowhere to go. As any college freshman boy would, I stayed in bed. But I really wasn't that tired, and so I thought. Honestly, I just began to think. I thought about life as a huge timeline. I thought about how my perspectives have changed and how marvelous the amount of knowledge I had gained in life. Then I marveled at how much more I have to learn! But the most awe inspiring thought was when I considered this: the 12 months from May 2010 to May 2011 will be the most critical and mercurial months of my life.
In May 2010, I graduated from my high school of 450 students. In June, I moved away from home, forever. I now life in a completely different climate, with all new people, all new situations, and attending a university with nearly 100 times the amount of students that my high school had. I attended summer semester, but didn't see it as that big of a change. I saw it more as a temporary home. But recently I am seeing things in a different light. This year, is the start of a whole era of my life.
The daily decisions, friends, and critical choices I make in the next year will steer me in one direction or another. Preparing for a mission, taking classes to apply for business school and making the right friends are all part of this new era.
So many deep thoughts; I think it's time to go back to TV.

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