Monday, September 12, 2011


Diversity, traditions, and customs: transnationalism/globalization. Different as we all are there is a connection that can be made between us all. In this campus/community that we live in for example, our religion mormonism connects us all. Most everyone here is mormon, interested in mormonism, or just likes the atmosphere that BYU creates. A connection to something that this university offered is what brought BYU students here. Making connections is what allows you to expand your mind and learn on a different scale.

Jeremy a student here at BYU had first hand experience with making connections. Simple connections clicked in his mind as he went from chemistry to calculus and was able to utilize dimensional analysis (conversion between units) from chemistry to solve problems from math. Other connections that he made were from English class to all other classes and even his own life. Kairos the opportune moment in chronos (chronological thinking of time) to take action and not go with the flow of chronos. Jeremy realized that he needed to stop thinking about the past or the future and begin to live in the moment and take action and control the only thing that he has control of, the present. Jeremy realized this and knew that spending too much time thinking about the past or the future would disrupt him from accomplishing his goals. Jeremy needed to take life one step at a time and focus on the present, and prepare: for his presentation in english class, his upcoming test, and work on his fitness by going to the gym in the present and not tomorrow or the next day.

Connections made from class to class can change your perspective and simplify life. It gives you confidence and enables you to accomplish your goals.

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