Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Mr. Independent

Freshman year is something I consider to be a transitional period, or even a temporary home. I leave a home of 18 years, for less than a year, before I go on an adventure for 2 years, then move from place to place until I finally settle in a home of my own.
I came up to BYU for this past summer semester, and had no idea what to expect. I lived in the same home, in the same bedroom for 18 years. I went to a small private K-8 school and a small private high school. I was sure that I was going to be shocked and homesick as soon as I left to attend a massive public college; however it was quite the contrary: the more I remembered home, the less homesick I was.
I love being on my own. I can drive, sleep, eat, wake up, do homework, not do homework, go out, stay in, and do anything at my own leisure. I thought I might crash and burn, and I thought I would miss the order and form I had in my life previously, but I didn't, and I still don't.
In fact, I developed a whole schedule and already have certain habits here in this 'temporary home'. For example, I wake up the same time on certain days, take a nap on Mondays and Wednesdays, go to Taco Bell on Tuesdays and Thursdays, sleep in until lunch on Fridays, and do laundry every other saturday morning. Its something I thought I would never be able to get used to.
Now, I do miss home, sometimes. But not the things I would expect. I don't miss many of my friends, and I don't miss my bed or bedroom. I don't miss high school and I (forgive me mom) barely even miss my mom. I do miss certain restaurants, and the weather, and the beach. I miss my cat and I miss my car. These things are trivial and will be displaced.
I should really focus on how I am really free of any rules or responsibilities, and this is the first dip I have into the real world. Its a prime set up for a learning experience everyday, and I'm taking advantage of it.

1 comment:

  1. I think your mother would understand: we want our children to be independent, learn about themselves and the world outside the home. But, of course, there's always "home" in the background, a place we can retreat to, a safe haven if necessary.


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