Thursday, November 18, 2010

An Attitude of Gratitude

A week or so ago my brother and I drove up to Salt Lake to enjoy a saturday night together. We went shopping, went to a movie, and topped off the evening with an enjoyable meal. As we walked back to the car to head home, we saw a homeless man huddled down on the side walk, trying to stay warm. I stood there, looking at the man as a wave of pity for the man came over me. It was so sad that he had nowhere to go, nowhere to sleep, and I would have bet he hadn't eaten in days.

As we drove home, I couldn't help but think of that poor man and how hard his life must be. I then thought how incredibly grateful I am for having a place to go each night, instead of trying to find warmth on a freezing concrete corner in Salt Lake. I've been thinking a lot lately about some of the things I'm grateful for. Maybe it's because Thanksgiving is just around the corner, but I think people should always have an attitude of gratitude, not just around the holidays.

Everything in my life, I am grateful for. Not just the good things, but also the hard and difficult trials that I face. I'm so grateful for who I am and where I come from. I seriously love my family so much, and I share a special bond with each and every one one of my siblings and parents. I'm so blessed to be here at this university and there is nowhere I would rather be. I'm grateful I live in a day and age where a girl like me can actually attain an education and with it, have a career of her choosing. I'm grateful for little things as well, like my bed, thai food, Dr. Pepper, books, boys, cell phones, and music. As well as being grateful for the big things in our lives like having a home, family, and the gospel, I think it's just as important, if not more, to be grateful for the little things in our lives.

I found this quote the other day that I really liked:

"Can you see the holiness in those things that you take for granted- a paved road or a washing machine? If you concentrate on finding what is good in every situation, you will discover that your life will suddenly be filled with gratitude, a feeling that nurtures the soul"
- Rabbi Harold Kushner

I like this because it's true. We need to be aware and grateful for even the little things in our lives and see the good and positive in every situation. As hard as that can be, it can ultimately change our lives.

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