Monday, November 1, 2010

Enjoying Curses

One of the fun things I got to do over the weekend was play Curses, a card game, with a bunch of people I hardly knew. In Curses, a player must draw a challege card and do whatever rediculous antic it tells him or her to do. After this, the player gets to draw a curse card and give it to someone else. These curses include having to speak like a pirate, being forbidden to bend your elbows, and having to imitate the person on your right. The player must obey this card for the rest of the game. It's so funny to watch, and even more fun to play.It's amazing to me that a single activity can turn complete strangers into friends. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time.

You're probably wondering why this is my blog entry. Well, Curses is a completely insane game, therefore it can be compared to life.

Life comes with a set of rules, but you're brought into the game not knowing what's in store or how challenging it will be. At times, it seems like everyone around you has gone completely bonkers and there's no rhyme or reason that you can see. There are people who yell at you, compliment you, or tell you outrageous lies. There are times where you simply have to swallow your fear and do what you know you're supposed to, even if you really wish you didn't have to. And there are times when you laugh so hard you cry.

People are willing to help you through your challenges. They'll explain things you can't understand, or translate when others don't understand you. Sometimes you'll need to let them do things you can't do for yourself. Some will create your challenges, but it gives you a chance to grow. Everyone has different "curses" in life. Some are less noticeable than others, but they are still there. Each is difficult in its own way, and the best way to get through is to help each other.

1 comment:

  1. This is great, Clara. It sounds like a fun game and I liked how you connected it to real life. I wondered what you were going to write about when I saw your title!


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