Thursday, December 8, 2011
Cultures around the world
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Taking it into Consideration
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Tis the Season
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Thursday, December 1, 2011
The Beauty of Economics
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Goals and Commandments
Without predefined key indicators (activities that lead to a desired result), you have much more flexibility and ambiguity in personal goal setting. Without a set of shared key indicators, it's difficult to find accountability by communicating your goals and progress to others. I've found in trying to set goals for school, work and my personal life, both of those issues have been a challenge.
What are the most important things to consider when setting goals? There are immediate results (e.g., GPA, compensation from an employer) and there is long-term vision (e.g., graduation, promotion). What desired results should dictate the activities measured in a goal? Depends on what your priorities are.
I've discovered I'm not smart enough to figure out what's most important by myself, but thankfully the Lord provides a list. As a missionary, in addition to numerical goals, we had obedience goals. The White Missionary Handbook is a list of rules that guide missionary conduct. It laid out unambiguously how missionaries should be and act. Similar materials exist for all members of the church. For the Strength of Youth is an example of explicit definitions and guidelines. Additionally, General Conference and the standards works provide endless guidelines and principles with which we can orient our lives and prioritize our activities.
This is what I do now in goal setting: Identify the commandments I am struggling with (on my mission we would take a pencil and underline portions of the White Handbook that we were not living), and then set one measurable goal that will help bring me in compliance with that commandment. For example, in For the Strength of Youth we read, "Eat nutritious food, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep." I haven't been the best at that since I came home and started school. This month, I set the goal with my family to run 1000 miles. That is, we would all run a few miles per day and by the end of the year we will have run 1000 miles. We track our progress towards this goal to help us stay on track. Because it's a group goal, we hold each other accountable. It's been working well.
By focusing on coming into compliance with the Lord's standards, we can qualify for His blessings, find greater fulfillment and become who He needs us to become. I'm grateful that we have commandments and counsel from the Lord that I can use to direct my goal setting efforts.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Who am I to look down on them?
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
A friend of mine from home is a big fan of zombies. He likes to make plans for zombie apocalypses, plays zombie videogames, and compose stories in his head about being alone in a world of the undead. His enthusiasm is infectious (a bit like a zombie virus), and so sometimes that becomes a topic of discussion when we talk. The other day, we discussed some of the major conflicts that stories can have (ah, how intellectual of us), and came upon individualism versus collectivism. He made the observation that he leaned toward individualism, and that the idea of being alone is why he likes zombie stories. I realized, presently, that my own fascination with zombies was quite the opposite—the zombies themselves, which comprise a collective. They all share a purpose and form a community of shambling brain-eaters.
I have always enjoyed being alone, and have plans to spend my summers living in the comparative isolation of a campground when I’m back from my mission. It struck me that I want to do that not in order to be isolated, but rather because of the sense of community that naturally arises when people are isolated together.
In other zombie-related news, one of my professors recently mentioned that he had found something called “zombie haiku.” I looked it up, and discovered something rather interesting. I shall close with one of the haikus:
You are very lucky
That I cannot remember
How to use doorknobs.
I could write about zombies for a long time, but this shall suffice.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Think With Your Eyes
Everyone has a story to tell: a childhood memory, an inside joke, a dream, a big mistake, a life well-lived. Everyone has a slightly different way of telling these stories. These differences can be as simple as word choice or as broad as their medium; and among all of the media I have learned about, animation intrigues me the most.
You have to love animation to pursue it; even its most successful scholars describe it as a labor-intensive, painstaking process. Animating a scene entails set construction, dramatic lighting, point-of-view, the subtleties of acting, and the drive to create a memorable piece of art that will, ultimately, represent only a twenty-fourth part of a second, and then repeat the process until emotion is conveyed, conflict is resolved, and the story is told. For feature-length animated films especially, the procedure can be excruciating.
One aspect of a good, marketable animator is traditional figure-drawing training. Even though character animations—especially 2-D animations—look simple, the artist behind them should be “performing” with a fleshed-out, competent knowledge of the human figure. At BYU, you cannot apply for a major in animation until after you have completed at least one full semester of figure drawing.
My figure-drawing teacher is strong-minded and candid. His ideas about the mindset of a good artist are measurable and reliable, with results to reinforce them. There may not be a definitive way to judge art, but there are certainly ways to measure its accuracy.
In my other animation pre-requisite class, I was shocked to find that I could point out inaccuracies in the gesture drawings presented in an instructive video—inaccuracies that would draw negative attention and feedback from my figure-drawing professor. To be fair, “gesture” drawings of the human figure are not meant to capture accuracy as much as they are meant to capture motion; but my professor would have some choice words to say if I presented those drawings—done by a seasoned professional—in his class.
I think my eyes are being taught more than my brain; I see the world so differently after my classes.
--Posted by S. Benjamin Puente
SOMEBODY Sure Likes the Word, "Film"
I find myself, once again, returning to the humanities.
In my Introduction to the Humanities class, we recently closed our film unit, and have since moved on to paintings. While studying film as a medium, as well as its history, we spent a significant amount of class time picking apart scenes from “the greats.” We studies camera angles, elements of photography, lighting as a storytelling tool, the importance of music, and even the different cuts and transitions from scene to scene, and their effect on the audience.
Film is regarded as “total art,” because it has the potential to encompass elements from all of the other arts, from drama to poetry. Films that strike a nerve, that open an emotional vein, are the ones that achieve the appropriate balance of these elements. They are elusive, sound-and-light concoctions that pass relatively quickly and leave only memories and impressions for the viewers; they are reminiscent of nighttime dreams. That element has changed with the introduction and refinement of playback devices, such as DVD and Blue-Ray players, but for all of the money and effort poured into them, films are, ultimately, deucedly fleeting things.
In that class, we became amateur film critics. Our professor endeavored to teach us how to describe our mantic reactions to the movies in logical ways, with a humble but effective knowledge of the tools at a filmmaker’s disposal. Now, with a second Great Works response on the horizon, lessons learned from that class take on new significance.
I did not have very many experiences like this in high school, where each class only seemed to apply to itself, and concepts that transcended all of the various disciplines were rarely acknowledged as such.
--Posted by S. Benjamin Puente
What is the difference between believing and understanding? There are several things I have learned these past few months that have helped me see the distinction. It has been so wonderful to have meaning and understanding added to my life's foundation.
I have two brief examples of this: 1, what I have come to understand about music, and 2, what I have come to understand about the gospel of Christ.
Firstly, music. I have played the piano since 4th grade and have always loved classical music. But now I realize that I never had a great understanding of it; my incomplete knowledge was preventing me from truly understanding it. Just learning about the elements of different musical time periods, music history, and composers’ lives in my Music 101 class has greatly influenced the way I hear and play music. I don’t just believe that music is beautiful; I understand why it is beautiful.
Secondly, the gospel. I have always believed that our church is true. I have believed that Christ is our Redeemer and we can’t receive exaltation without him, and without repentance, faith, and obedience. My testimony of these things has always existed, but everything has recently taken on new meaning to me—I just wish I could explain it! Everything seems to be so much more real now, so much more important. I don’t just believe that we need Christ in our lives; I understand why we need him.
I love how my foundation of faith, belief, and knowledge has been growing! I keep catching myself truly enjoying the homework and readings I am assigned to do in my classes. Which is pretty weird. But I’m glad for the ways in which I am learning and growing at BYU, and the things I have come to truly understand.
Communication Conundrum
Rituals Bind Our Hearts To Others
Morally Complex Questions
The New Investiment
Saturday, November 12, 2011
World in Chaos
Makes me wonder, what is this world coming to. Just last night in the news they were showing this small girl, 5 years old, in Kindergarten ,she was beaten by a fellow class mate. This boy, 6 years old caused her to have a concussion to her head and plenty of brushing around her eye. According to the girls parents he had been bothering her for few weeks. My question is; what is going on with this boys life that at 6 years old he is already inflicting his kind of pain and anger on another child?, what is the reason for hating someone so much? What makes someone so young build this kind of anger and hatred? What is he growing up to be? If I generalize his actions at this early age, I would say that he is growing up to be a criminal or serial killer. To give him the benefit of the doubt, hopefully someone will step in to provide the help that he needs to be a good member of society. I do not have the answers to these questions, but I can only hope for a better future in which my children and grand-children can grow up and enjoy life to the fullest.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Overlap by Jamey Jones
I always find it fascinating when sciences overlap the way that they do. When we first start learning about it in kindergarten, the sciences seem totally separate one from another. It is only once we developed a greater understanding for the sciences that we could see more and more overlap. I love it so much, because I realize that we are getting closer and closer to understanding nature the way that God understands it. He understands everything under one science, or the laws of nature. In this way, I almost feel as if I am drawing closer to God as I study these things.
Epiphanies for Economics
I absolutely love my economics class and am constantly reaching new conclusions and having different realizations from what we learn in the class. The more I learn not just about economics but learn how to use economics, the more I've come to realize that economic principles can explain all aspects of life. In all sincerity I can honestly say that I've been able to apply an economic principle to every part of my life. Sometimes it will be applications to very trivial things and other times it can be applications to deep subjects of eternal importance. In economics we learned about negative and positive externalities. Negative externalities are goods produced that have adverse effects on the rest of society such as the production of steel and the negative effects of pollution on the ecosystem. In an economy without regulation, there will be more steel produced than is optimal for society because o the negative effects pollution has on that society. Regulation is needed to cut back the pollution and improve the overall condition of society. I thought about some negative externalities in my life and came to the conclusion that sins I commit are negative externalities because my sins have adverse effects on society as a whole and there are too many of my sins produced if there isn’t any “regulation” or repentance. Just as government regulation of polluting activities improves society; my personal repentance of sin through the Atonement will improve society because I am reducing the production of a negative externality. Positive externalities are goods produced that have beneficial effects on the rest of society such as the inoculation of some children which protects the health of all the children. In an economy without regulation there is too little of that commodity produced than what is optimal for society because if there were more immunization shots given then society would be healthier and better of as a whole. I applied this principle to my own life in that the service I give to my fellow man is a positive externality because it benefits society and I don’t provide enough of it. There are so many other applications I’ve found in my life for economic principles and I’ve truly enjoyed learning and expanding my horizons through the class.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Questions and Answers
Sunday, November 6, 2011
The power of family Traditions
Thursday, October 27, 2011
No victory in war, however, is complete. There is still the natural man within us all to contend with on a daily basis. This natural man is what can bring out the brutal nature, and this too plays out in varying degrees in everyone's lives. As I was reading my scriptures the other night I came across this scripture in Helaman 12:4, which reads, "O how foolish, and how vain, and how evil, and devilish, and how quick to do iniquity, and how slow to do good, are the children of men." This really struck me, because this completely contradicted my claim that people would be more inclined to be good than bad. If people are so slow to do good, and so evil and vain, then what causes people to do good in their lives? What is the determining factor in whether altruism or brutalism, good or bad, becomes dominant in someone's life?
Is it simply the pressures of society that determine our actions? Religion? Family? Is it even possible for someone to be totally altruistic or totally brutal? The more I thought about it the more I realized that the two ideas are nearly impossible to separate. Take Les Miserables for example. Stealing bread = bad. Feed Starving Family = good. Defending Country = good. Killing people = bad. Lying to daughter = bad. Protecting daughter from dangerous past = good. It is almost impossible to do anything that is completely altruistic, and more often than not people that do even the most brutal acts see the effects of those acts as good.
I do not know which is more natural to people; altruism or brutalism. I know that both have an effect. I know that both live in me. But I also know that I have agency. I have the power to choose which side I try to emphasize, although I may not be able to control all of the outcomes of my decisions. Perhaps this is what life is all about - living as altruistically as we can, recognizing when our actions bring negative consequences to others, and maybe someday through a process of elimination we will one day find ways in which we can be altruistic.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Universal Application of Internal Controls
Consider the principle behind internal controls: with reduced opportunity to make a bad decision, the probability of making a bad decision decreases. This sounds a lot like the idea of fleeing temptation. Think how modesty on at least some level is designed to reduce the probability of bad decisions. Think of the other counsel from church leaders on how to avoid temptation. The principle is widely-used.
I've found that reducing opportunities for me to make bad choices has helped me considerably in choosing the right. For example, I know that I have a tendency to spend too much money--more than I have sometimes--but I know that if I have no access to money, I can't spend it. I've found that just leaving my credit and debit cards out of my wallet, I spend less money. It's that simple, but it works.
The principles behind internal controls can be applied to aid in preventing bad choices. Identifying the factors that contribute to bad choices and then reducing them with rules or controls works.
Looking for a "Burning Bush"
Monday, October 17, 2011
Decisions, decisions.
There is a process we go through while making important decisions. Many of us, usually during the beginning of our freshman year, feel overwhelmed and unable to make our own choices. I honestly used to want my parents to just figure out my life for me; I didn’t want to take on such a big responsibility. Throughout this semester, I have felt a greater power and capability to make wise choices; I have discovered this power through my Career Explorations class and through every choice I’ve had to make as a new college student.
I have come to know myself better, which has helped me trust my own reasoning. Our Career Exp. class has been taught that values and priorities shape every decision, large and small. A guideline for making large decisions (like deciding on a career and/or major) is the identifying of hobbies, talents, and values, and then combining these aspects to create a life plan that will bring satisfaction and enjoyment. I have also learned to live with uncertainty. Although I am closer to realizing what I want out of life, I can see that there is no absolute “right” to every choice. I have learned not to worry too much about the decisions that I don’t need to make right now. I can plan for the future, but trust that things will become clear along the way.
The Words are too Much with Us
Last night, the kid in the room next to mine asked for help with a paper he was writing. We’ll call him Jim. I don’t claim to be particularly gifted, but I like writing, so I was happy to do it. He said he needed a hook, and I was coming up dry. What I came to was that he should use a quote—presently, however, someone else, who we’ll call John, from down the hall burst in, asking, “You still need a hook?”
John proceeded to provide Jim with creative and entertaining first and second sentences, talking all the while about how much he loved writing. It struck me, then, that I loved writing, too—and I’m certainly capable of a little creativity; I’ve used it before in papers. Why, then, did it not occur to me? Shortly after, I glanced over the draft of my rhetorical analysis and, with this new outlook, clicked my tongue in disappointment.
I’m not sure if it’s the scholarly essays I’ve been reading for various classes or just the Jane Schaffer Method, still stuck in my head from high school, but writing papers has become a chore, something I do mechanically (and, as a result, comparatively poorly). I have stopped applying my love for writing to the writing I do.
So, that’s a depressing revelation. I’m grateful for it, though, because it gives me the chance to denaturalize the way I write and consider it a bit more objectively. I do not for a moment wish to advocate turning a formal paper into a dog-and-pony show. I am disgusted with flamboyancy as much as I am with rigid formulaic-ism. It is quite possible, however, to achieve the ends of one’s paper and make the ride a pleasant experience for the reader. It just takes either a lot of skill or a sincere love for writing—both would be better, but an analysis of the comparative value of each, both separately and compositely is the subject of an extended investigation, which shall not now be imposed upon anyone.