Thursday, November 10, 2011

Overlap by Jamey Jones

I am always using my two science classes together to blog about. I love it, because subcategories in science almost always overlap at places, and psychology and biology do so a lot. This time, we have talked about genetics in both classes. In psychology, we talked about genetics and how they apply to a person’s psyche; in other words, how much of a person’s personality made up by genetics that are passed down from their parents and how much of it is interaction with their environment. For example, was Adolf Hitler genetically deranged, or did his environment make him the way he was? In all likelihood, it is probably a mixture of both for all human beings. In the case of biology, we discussed genetics on a more cellular level, talking about the structure of DNA, and the proteins that were being made based upon the different genes and alleles that an individual had because of their genetics. After we finished talking about it on a cellular level, we went to a much larger scale, and talked about it in terms of evolution and natural selection. We talked about how genetics gave different species of animals better opportunities to be successful than other species, which is essentially what natural selection is based upon.
I always find it fascinating when sciences overlap the way that they do. When we first start learning about it in kindergarten, the sciences seem totally separate one from another. It is only once we developed a greater understanding for the sciences that we could see more and more overlap. I love it so much, because I realize that we are getting closer and closer to understanding nature the way that God understands it. He understands everything under one science, or the laws of nature. In this way, I almost feel as if I am drawing closer to God as I study these things.

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